How to Get Children to Read?

How to get children to read?

How to get children to read – Although it is a wisdom as old as time, we won’t mind repeating it: Reading makes kids smart. Engaging with books helps them ascend in school; it supports vocabulary and spelling, as well as math, science, and reasoning abilities. It increases compassion, motivation, and curiosity, as well. You get the point, right?  Reading is crucial.

So how do you get your kid addicted to books? Read to him — at least once a day. After that, the key is to get interactive. The more interactive you get, the more you nurture their creative prowess.

It’s never too early to start. For the tiniest readers, make the experience tangible: Urge kids to touch and turn the pages. Also, mimic actions (like eating), and use toys as props.

“Let them read what they want.  Do not set mandatory time limits or fuss about a particular type of book. ” – Lynn Wright

Asking Questions

As your child enters the kindergarten years, identify colors and shapes on each page, then point them out in the world around you. Now’s the time to start asking questions as well. Questions according to the story. Help your child relate to the characters’ sentiments by asking if he’s ever felt the same way.

Playing Games

Take benefit of your kid’s love of creative play by visiting the library and making it a game at home: Stamp books and “scan” a fictitious library card. Role-playing can help set kids up for an optimistic lifetime convention.

Books and Audiobooks

Once your child hits kindergarten, make reading a full audiovisual aid experience. Teach your kid that stories exceed the written word by acting out beloved tales together, listening to audiobooks, and using a few apps.

“The more time you spend reading with your children when they are very young, the less time you will need to spend supervising their learning later.” – Nan Waldman

Simple Maths

You’re possibly already pointing out letters to your pre-reader, but don’t forget to highlight numbers while reading, too. Ask math questions like How many ice cream cones did the bear eat? Help your child count on his fingers. Also, build understanding skills by inspiring kids to guess what happens next in the story.

Responses to books

As they move into kindergarten and grade school, children advance strong partiality of their own. Pay attention to what books your child responds to — and what topics temper his curiosity. Use this as a jumping-off point to bond him with new genres and do a further assessment. Your child will apprehend that reading authorizes him to make discoveries.

The best books for kids are the books they respond to the most, it can be a picture book, or a riddle magazine, or maybe a comic strip. Let them find their own genre and explore the beauty of literature.